The 1832 Market was holding a Tomato Festival. This mostly consisted of a cooking demo with some yummy tomato dishes (my favorite was the cornmeal-crusted fried green tomatoes), a variety of tomato dishes to sample, and tons and tons and tons of tomatoes of many varieties for sale.
The market offered a wide variety of produce and beef. I bought some beautiful local produce, beef, and some nice raw doggy bones. I love knowing my food was picked in Texas this week. It wasn't trucked in from another state or country under-ripe and yucky.
We were getting hungry, and luckily Faifoo Cafe was there to rescue us with shrimp and pepper egg rolls and traditional spring rolls. I definitely want to visit that cafe the next time I'm in Bastrop!
Next, we drove to the Producers' Market on Hwy 71. They were holding their 2nd Anniversary Celebration. We entered all the raffles and sampled some good food. I bought even more goodies: a chicken, eggs, cheese, kombucha, produce, plants, bread, nuts. This is a good week to eat at my house.
It occurs to me that I've had kind of a personal food revolution over the past couple of years. In the past, I'd worked at Whole Foods and thought "low-fat" and "vegetarian" meant healthy. After stumbling onto some good reads from people like Nina Planck and Michael Pollan, I came to the common-sense conclusion that eating foods produced in labs or even factories doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Don't get me wrong, I fully believe in eating whatever I want on special occasions. I love food too much to restrict my diet to health food. I firmly believe that food is more than nourishment; it's community, culture, family, fun. But I have redefined what is healthy for me based on research and listening to my body. I know what makes me feel good, and it isn't what I used to think it should be.
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